Kamis, 18 Juli 2013

Development Of Knowledge

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Knowledge of science is based on facts which are set according to the truth test a system's behavior. Big Indonesian Dictionary states that science is knowledge of a field-system arranged according to a certain method, which can be used to explain certain phenomena.

Development of science and technology in Indonesia lags far and very poor compared to European countries and the United States as well even in Asian countries such as Japan and China. This is because:

- Indonesia is still limited people who received western education, especially higher education.
- Lack of willingness from the government and private companies in Indonesia to conduct technology experts
- The absence of significant technological innovation within Indonesian society itself, science and technology in Indonesia began to develop which marked the Dangan colleges and research centers such as the Institute of Science (LIPI) and the assessment body and the application of technology (BPPT)


The field of Information and CommunicationIn the field of information and communication has been a very rapid progress. Of progress we can feel the impact positive is
- We
will more quickly get the information accurate and up to date on any part of the world through the internet

The field of Education
Technology has a very important role in the field of education, among others:
The emergence of the mass media, especially the electronic media as a source of science and education center. The impact of this is the teacher rather than the sole source of knowledge.

Source : click here

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